Last weekend

 Today i'd like you to write about something you did last weekend.

On the 19th I went to O'Higgins Park to appreciate the autumn and walk. 

 Actually last weekend, I didn't do anything relevant, I got up around 7am to take my medications (19 in total). Then I had breakfast at 8am, bread with cheese and milk. I helped do the housework until bedtime. lunch, that day we ate noodles with sala, well I ate noodles with meat, then it was time to "get distracted" 

well for me to study something I really like that's why, I really enjoyed studying Japanese and English for the presentation last Thursday, in I learned new Japanese words and I am now able to read the mangas I have without a dictionary, in fact some new ones that I bought about a month ago just arrived.

  I was also looking for information for the workshop work, about the Tianjin Binhai Library which is located in China, the curious thing is that my knowledge of kanji allowed me to access more precise information


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