pinocchio p

 hi FAU bloggers

today i'm going to write about a concert i enjoyed,so you may know ,i love music, in special jpop. i know  several artists, explame ,pinochio p,keshi yonezu,the oral cigarettes, and more.i watched live concerts streaming,the last artist  i saw live streaming for youtube in  2021 of pinocchio p

 called ARIGATOU ,this comcert was held to promote their new album.where i sing the best song realesed in the period 2009-2020, in turn with new songs,for obvious reasons ,i cannot go since the artist in from japan,but ido no lose hope, because another great japanese artist is KIKUO,he was in the  united states and mexico where they are more viable places.

what i enjoyed ,it was that i didn't stop,one song after another ,all good ,where he leaves the vocalaloid(hatsune miku) aside and his own voice shines.

for me the highlight  was when i sang nina ,this song is one of my favorites.

i hope one day to be able to go to Osaka to see their live concerts ande have others like  KIKUO ,if it it is such a great experience that it can be online ,i can't imagine what it will be like live ,a unique experince that i hope to make it a reality.


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